
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Thanks Lars. As we get closer to Fall I'll post a picture and advise you of my plans. What great fun!

Ted, I visited tedreece.com. Very cool.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

"Say, didn't Buddy Emmons play on the Beverly Hillbillies?!?!?"

Sure Lars, and he almost got the Tin Man roll in the Wizard of Oz.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Ted, with regard to Carter steel guitars, Bud Carter has years of experience building the instrument. He built my MSA in the early 70's. Bud spent a lot of years working for Maurice Anderson (the "A" in MSA). Trivia: For many years players have thought that the letters MSA were "Reece's" initials. Not true. The "M" is for Tommy Morrell. The "S" is for Buddy Shields. Bud Carter makes a great steel guitar and I would be proud to play one. In these days, the big steel guitar manufacturers are actually smaller companies. Emmons is still my favorite but there are about five other makers, including Carter that are top notch.
Hi guys, I've decided to take a Golden Parachute at work and retire early! Within a couple of months I'll nothing on my hands but time and a chunk of cash. One of the things I want to do is drive cross country, have always wanted to visit Yellowstone. So, Ted, sometime this summer, mayby August or Sept. I may be heading your way! And I'd love to meet up for a coffee and play a couple of tunes with you. Could such a thing be arranged?

PS. I just realized that Lars is in Wyoming. Wow, Maybe you guys could make me a pallet on your floor! Seriously, I'm probably just day dreaming all this, but it would be quite an adventure.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I had an experience with a computer with slots for flash memory (Scandata, etc.). That pretty much answered my questions about transferring music from these affordable digital recorders to computer CD burner. Ain't technology swell?!
The action on the Larrivee is still too high for my liking. I'm either going to have to shave the bridge or trade it in for something else. I played a used D-28 at Guitar Center for $1200. Now you just have to go for that. And a used D-40 dripping with MOP plus a condenser mike all for $2000! Damn I need to score some serious cash!

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