
Saturday, September 27, 2003

"Snare drum attachment"???, help me with this one. What do you mean? Are there such things as snare-drum attachments.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

That Steve Hess, you just never know where he'll show-up. Yes Ted, it was Carl Perkins. You are our Grand-Prize Winner!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

It was probably me that took your .011. I owe a bunch of guitar players .011's. On steel guitar, it is the G# (3rd.) string and the one that breaks the most.

Here's a softball:

Who had the first hit record with "Blue Suede Shoes"?

1. Elvis Presley
2. Carl Perkins
3. Steve Hess
>>By the way was it not Carl Perkins who played sometime with Johnny. Luther (?) I am not so certain. Maybe I have the wrong Perkins.<<

Luther was the lead guitarist until he died. After Luther's death, Carl did fill the spot. You have the right Perkins either way. It was Luther Perkins on the original recording.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I still remember you picking out that Luther Perkins lead ride on Folsum Prison Blues. Luther's ride was with a Telecaster but for us, it was your Gibson LGO in my garage. We got good sound in there! As a kid, I got a lot of heat for being a Johnny Cash fan. He was a huge influence on me. His songs were simple but his voice was signature and full (not always on pitch but it didn't matter). There was so much color in that voice. A real song stylist.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

For that G, try a .020W. The way you were talking, I thought you might be doing flat-wound. Glad you and Ted had a fishing trip. I'm not jealous, just glad. No really!

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