
Sunday, March 30, 2003

>>I notice that you still won't tell me which airline you pilot for.<<

I just forgot to include it in my reply. It's one that is not yet in bankruptsy, Continental. Come fly us sometime! We've got a good airline.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

>>push the button that says 'AUTOPILOT' and then look at Popular Mechanics<<

You know way too much for your own good. I've never done that and I will never do it again! Lars, I too would hate to hear myself play after 10:00 PM. Thanks for your concern, see ya sometime.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

>>If you lose your "semi-retired" status what will you become?<<

If the war goes on too long, the airline business will have to cut-back. Many could lose their careers. It might be me. If so, like the last war, I'll go back to playing music "full time". Yikes, that is a scary thought. I have trouble staying awake past 10:00 pm..

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Well, is everybody watching CNN? This war had better get over quickly or I'll lose my "semi-retired" status as a musician. Hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

With all kidding aside, I have watched the schooled classical guitarists seated with the body of their instrument resting between the knees and their foot on a foot-rest. Then I see the rock guitarists dangling the guitar so low that it is unimaginable as to how they strum the strings or get their hand around the neck to play a chord. After 30 years of playing, I have noticed that the best players wear their guitar high. Close to the eyes, ears, and hands. This goes for lead, bass, and acoustic players. Ted I know you are schooled and expert in form and if I am off base, please interject. Go to Ted's website (http://www.sagesound.com/) and view pictures of him playing, you will see what I mean. Ted holds it high and close!

Saturday, March 15, 2003

Dolly Parton always held the guitar correctly!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Ted finally downloaded it and we had a nice dialogue the other night. Not much to it. You can tell when we are online (if we have Instant Messenger up). No need for any big formal conversations, you can drop in and out. I use it with my family when I am on a trip. Ask Ted about it. We should all have it.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

>>My screen name is vtrlll (those be l's not i's)<<

I will be looking for you on line.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

>>p.s. I have to get two nuts made for two of my guitars.<<

Does this mean that your guitars will have two nuts? Why are you replacing your nuts?
Can nobody here use instant messaging. Just go to AOL.com and download Instant Messenger. The dang thing is free! When you get it installed, add my screenname, "toddpclayton" to your buddy list and there I will be. WOMD..........
I'm not close, it is exactly: Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Game over............ Now back to Happy Guitar Talk.

Power and greed can destroy all of us. WOMD!

Saturday, March 01, 2003

Let's get interesting now. Question: I'm playing a song on my acoustic guitar and I want to modulate a half step up but I don't want to get stuck with a "handful" of bar chords through the rest of the song. Other than a "slide-up" capo, does anybody have any good tricks for dealing with this?
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